7 Ways to Involve the Whole Family in Household Organizing
When it comes to organizing your space, you might feel like you are struggling to keep your head above water. If you aren’t getting the whole family involved in the organization process, you could just be spinning your wheels. Don’t let frustration keep you from your organizational dreams, instead, put a team of support behind you! Here are 7 ways to involve the whole family in household organizing, and see how this support system can help you create a space you can be proud of!
1. Share your organization vision.
Instead of just jumping into the project, be sure to sit the family down and let them know your vision. This way, you can recruit them to your cause and help them understand why this is so important. It helps create a jumping off point and can get the process going!
2. Demonstrate the tasks you want to be accomplished.
Kids especially will need to see the tasks you want to be done demonstrated. Folding clothes, eliminating clutter, pairing socks, rolling up shirts, will all need to be demonstrated. Be sure you take the time to show children and partners what it is you need help with during the process so they can take part.
3. Make a clear list of tasks for each person in the household.
Just saying, “we are going to get organized” isn’t enough. It is helpful to make a short and concise checklist for each family member. Write down 3-5 tasks for each person in the household (which you will demonstrate as mentioned above) so they can stay on task and track their progress.
4. Express the perks organizing will bring.
Explain WHY organizing your space as a family is important. Some reasons could be it will create more family time, reduce stress, help you find things easier, free up time for fun things, and provide a more peaceful home. By expressing these perks you can help keep the family motivated.
5. Set aside time daily for organizing.
Set aside a designated time each day for organizing. It can be before bedtime, after dinner, etc. You don’t need a ton of time, just 20-30 minutes spent on organizing can really add up! Add this time to your daily calendar and make sure it gets accomplished.
6. Consider rewards for a job well done.
When your child performs his or her tasks without being asked or with success, you can reward them with television time, their favorite snack, or with a family game night. These perks will help keep them motivated and let them know you appreciate them!
7. Enjoy the perks of your organization.
Once your space starts to get organized, be sure to enjoy the perks! This means enjoying your home, watching movies in your clean space, donating items you no longer need to someone in need, and more. Enjoy your space, and be sure to express to your “team” how much you enjoy it! Hopefully, they are too!
By bringing the whole family in on your organizational goals, you can best achieve the well-organized space you desire. Consider these 7 ways to involve the whole family in household organizing, and see why team effort is the way to go!