The summer months are the most anticipated and most dreaded time of the year at the same time. Whether you’re relaxing at home over the summer months, playing personal Lyft driver to your kiddos, or working outside the home and taking a fun vacation with the family, you’ll need to set a few rules for a balanced summer vacation. Put these rules in place early and enforce them consistently. You’ll find everyone happier and less stressed as summer vacation unfolds.
Rules for a Balanced Summer Vacation
Everyone Contributes
Whether you’re planning a trip or just cleaning up the day’s messes around the house, one of the first rules for a balanced summer vacation is that everyone contributes. Everyone gets a say in the fun and lends a hand with the work. Sharing both work time and fun is important!
Screen Time is Limited
Screen time can be something of an issue when it comes to kids and vacation. Set very specific time limits and rules on what the kids accomplish before playing games or watching TV. You can make exceptions on rainy days or family movie and game nights, of course!
Ban the Words “I’m Bored”
Every parent cringes when they hear “I’m bored”. One of the easiest ways to manage kid boredom during summer vacations is to have plenty of activity ideas on hand. Can’t find something to do? Not enjoying the activity everyone is participating in? No problem. Do something from the list.
Sleep Schedules are Important
As tempting as it can be to throw bedtime out the window and sleep in every day, breaking sleep schedules by a large amount can spell trouble. While the occasional late night is a fun treat, sticking to a regular bedtime and wakeup will be an asset in the long run. Once it is time to get back on your non-vacation schedule, you’ll have fewer struggles.
Family Fun is a Priority
Whether it’s weekly outings or allowing everyone to choose an activity to share while on a trip, make quality time together one of your most important rules for a balanced summer vacation. Though it can be tough to pull the kids away from friends and other interests, set specific times that are just for the family. Enjoying activities together creates memories that will stick with everyone for a lifetime.
Plan Regular No-Plan Days
Summer vacation and family trips are often so overscheduled. Make sure that there is plenty of downtime in your itinerary or summer schedule. Ignore the cleaning, don’t schedule playdates, skip a night of practice, and just relax and be together. This unscheduled time is great for everyone to just unwind and de-stress from a hectic schedule.
By setting rules for a balanced summer vacation, you can ensure that everyone has the perfect summer vacation. Spend plenty of quality time together, share the responsibilities around the house, and don’t allow technology to take over your days. You’ll have a wonderful summer, filled with memories that you and your family can treasure for years to come.